23 December 2008

Roxanne - Piano Recital

I have cut the recording of Roxanne's piano recital into two separate videos. I have wondered if I couldn't get it to post correctly because the file was too large. So . . . if this works, then you will all know that I figured it out!

Roxanne - Piano Recital

Yeah! It worked!

22 December 2008

Violin and Piano Recital

Now that I have a Blog -- I decided I would post video of the girls' most recent violin and piano recital. It was held just a little over a week ago.

Raeli has been playing violin since September, Raquel has been playing piano for 5-6 years and Roxanne has been playing piano for about 7 years. (BTW, the end of Roxanne's recital piece is cut off because the batteries in the camera went dead -- sorry!)

Providing I actually get these posted correctly -- I hope you enjoy watching their talents!

Raeli - First Violin Recital

Raquel - Piano Recital

For some reason, I cannot post Roxanne's video -- maybe there is too much on one post. I tried to post it as a separate post, but still no luck. I will try again tomorrow!

21 December 2008

First Posting

I have decided to start a Blog as it seems to be a modern-age thing to do. I'm not sure what all will be posted here, but it will be interesting to see what comes of it all. I wanted to get this started as we are getting ready to send out our annual Christmas letter and I wanted to include the blog address on that letter.

Just a quick little "State of the Family" type posting to start things off.

Next week, Ruth and I will be celebrating our 16th Wedding anniversary! We have been very blessed over those 16 years and enjoy our life with our three daughters. We currently live in Nibley, Utah. We occupy our time with family activities, Church responsibilities and work.

I'm not sure how often I will place posts on this blog -- only time will tell.