18 November 2012

Piano and Violin Recital Numbers - November 2012

Raquel and Raeli had a Piano and Violin Recital on Saturday, November 17, 2012. Here are recordings of their numbers. BTW, Raquel's hair is done up like that because she was also involved in a Ballroom Dance competition that day -- I will post videos of that in a little bit.

Here is a video of Raquel and Raeli playing a duet -- "On the Street Where You Live"

Here is a video of Raeli playing a violin number.

Raquel playing a medley of "Phantom of the Opera" music.

Raquel playing "All of Me" by Jon Schmidt. (The recording of her playing at the recital didn't work out -- my camera overheated, so we then went to the Church and recorded it again.)

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